Friday, September 16, 2011

Adya Clarity

We've been using Adya Clarity for several months now and love it! It cleans your water of chemicals and pathogens and adds important minerals our body's need. But it goes way beyond that. This is also great to have on hand in case of emergencies where our water supply has been damaged. Read the excerpt below from the Raw Food World to learn more. You can order it from the link below too.


Adya Clarity
is a Para-magnetic sulfate mineral solution that is extracted from the rarest, most mineral rich Biotite/Black Mica volcanic deposit in Japan. A proprietary acid sulfate process is used to perfectly extract the elements from the Black Mica that are made 100% bio-available. This black mica deposit is the only known "PURE" resource of Black Mica. Functions of Adya Clarity
  • Magnetic Sulfate Minerals increase the elements needed for optimum cellular function
  • Unnecessary elements are bound and eliminated thus creating equilibrium within body
  • Purify, Microcluster, Structure and Optimize any water by simply adding Adya Clarity
  • Remove Chlorine, Fluoride, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Plastics, Solvents, Heavy Metals & Pathogens
  • Provides your body with the full spectrum of elements in soluble form
  • Eliminates viruses, harmful bacteria and parasites by burning them up through deposition
  • Removes cellular waste residues out of all tissues, fluids, glands and organs
  • Activates oxygen and increase assimilation of all nutrients to feed and nourish your cells
  • Stimulates proper and efficient cellular metabolism
  • Maximizes the potential of growth hormones, Glutathione and Super Oxide Dismutase
  • Provides profound hydration at the cellular level
  • Para-Magnetic sulfate minerals are the key factor to optimize all enzymatic functions in your body

  • Go to Raw Food World and do a search on ADYA CLARITY to learn more about this fabulous product!

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Plant-Based Calcium. Pure Synergy Bone Renewal

    Build stronger bones, naturally!

    Are you looking to increase your bone density and strength but don't want to take synthetic and "rock" calcium? Now you can build stronger bones with plant-based nutrients! Pure Synergy's Bone Renewal is made from raw, whole food sources. This is a plant-based, bone-building calcium that your body can actually absorb. The ingredients are selected from sustainable, water and land-based sources to capture nature's organic nourishment, energy and bone restorative powers. It has Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2, and other nutrients from red algae and enzymes. It is dairy-free, gluten-free, additive-free & GMO-free.

    Friday, January 28, 2011


    My husband and I have been positively transformed by HeartMath. The concepts are brilliant and profound. Making just a few simple shifts life has a clearer, cleaner, more loving and joyful feel.

    This book unites Science and Spirituality of the heart. They go in depth about the heart on a different level than a cardiologist would, including how it has a 5,000 times greater electromagnetic field than the brain, it's own nervous system, and other cool facts like that. It offers hard data of the health cost of not living with a coherent heart... and how having a coherent heart entrains all the other systems in our body to be in ease and coherence too. The book integrates facts, techniques and great example stories. I think the thing I love the most is how it really transforms the reader with some amazing tools (exercises to learn and use when in stress for example) to utilize the heart's intelligence and power to live in peace, ease, and in a very genuinely loving way.

    Here is a more of an overview of this book...

    The HeartMath Solution,
    by Doc Childre and Howard Martin

    The definitive book about HeartMath for personal development and well-being. Contains leading-edge science, practical information and easy-to-use techniques to increase the intuitive, creative, heart-centered aspects of your personality and bring more heart intelligence into your life. Cutting-edge science is combined with the warmth and humor of anecdotal stories and examples to make this book a joy to read and a clear roadmap to actualize your full potential.

    "A celebration of the intelligence of the heart and a practical guide to living it."
    - Gary Zukav, Seat of the Soul

    "This book could save you years of therapy."
    - Deepak Chopra, MD

    "This is the owner's manual we've been waiting for to help us recognize and use our heart's energy to help heal our bodies and our lives."
    - Christiane Northrup, MD

    Thursday, August 26, 2010


    Simplify your complicated life. In a simple system, instruction, entertaining and practical video lessons, and software to help gain the tools you need to simplify your life, your time, your finances, your dreams... I love this tool.

    Saturday, July 10, 2010

    SunFood - Online Raw Food Resource

    This is one of my favorite resources for raw superfoods! The products are high quality and will help stock your nutrient-dense, high-energy, healthy-living kitchen. Click link below to check it out.

    Sunfood Nutrition - The World's Premier Source of

    Wednesday, March 3, 2010

    Change Your Habits

    This little device is amazing! I've been using it for a long time now, for all sorts of things. What is it? It's a little device you can clip on your clothing (like a pager), that you can set to remind you (through a discreet vibration) that it is time to do the thing that you should be doing now. I use it to remind me to drink water hourly and for stetching. What a great way to make sure I hold each stretch for 90 seconds before going on to the next one! Set it for 1 second to hours at a time! You choose. I love this little device! Check it out:

    Click here to meet the MotivAider - the amazing invention that lets you change your own habits the easy way ... AUTOMATICALLY!

    The MotitvAider is an ingeniously simple electronic device that enables people of all ages to change behavior and change habits quickly, easily and privately.

    Wednesday, March 18, 2009

    Sun Butter

    This is a great company! The Sunflower butter isn't raw, but it is NUT-FREE and Delicious! We love the organic one with Omega's (from Flax Seeds). Thanks Sun Butter!